by leewolfeblum | Jul 25, 2016 | Life in General
It is easy to walk around this word being washed over by the media stories reporting horror. To carry around a dark heavy coat of fear and sadness because, “where is the good in this world?” I find myself being sucked into the drudgery of life and adulting and I...
by leewolfeblum | Jul 14, 2016 | Life in General
I have always wanted to be tan. Not just tan, but a perfect bronze color with a splash of pink on my cheeks. Fresh and sun kissed. Skin tinted just the right color that radiated health and beauty. Because that is what being tan does right? Makes you look healthy and...
by leewolfeblum | Jun 28, 2016 | Life in General
In September I received a book contract for my second book. When I answered the call from the calm voice on the other end telling me the publishing house loved and wanted to publish this book, I sat in my car in the parking lot of Marshall’s wondering if they...
by leewolfeblum | Feb 26, 2016 | Eating Disorder Information
What I have learned through recovery from an eating disorder… I have learned, that it was never about food. It was never about my body. The (lack of) food was the drug to numb the overwhelming emotions, to punish a little girl that never felt good enough. To...
by leewolfeblum | Dec 29, 2015 | Life in General
It doesn’t look like it, but I have been writing. Lots and lots of writing. And change. Lots and lots of change. Please forgive me for not writing here, my precious space to share my thoughts, hopes, and encouragement to you…my faithful readers and...